Feast of St. Nonossus, Benedictine monk of Mt. Soracte, Italy. Patron of Freising Germany, Castel Sant’Elia, dioceses of Sutri and Nepi, Invoked against physical defects, back pains and school-related student crises.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Feast of St. Maria Magdalen De Pazzi
Feast of St. Maria Magdalen De Pazzi, discalced Carmelite mystic and healer. Patron of sick people, against bodily ills, against sexual temptation, against sickness. Co-patron of Naples.
Feast of Sts. Kyneburga, Kyneswide and Tibba
Feast of Sts. Kyneburga, Kyneswide and Tibba, Abbesses, relatives of King Penda of Mercia. Kyneburga founded an abbey at Castor, in the Soke of Peterborough. Kyneswide and Tibba became abbess in succession, after the death of Kyneburga. Tibba is patron saint of falconers.
Feast of St. Polyeuctus
Feast of St. Polyeuctus, Martyr, a wealthy Roman army officer converted to Christianity by St. Nearchus. Martyred at Melitene, Armenia, under Emperor Valerian. Patron of vows and treaty agreements. Died in 259
Feast of St. Mildgytha
Feast of St. Mildgytha, Benedictine nun, abbess, daughter of St. Ermenburg & King Merewalh of Mercia. Her sisters were Sts. Milburga & Mildrith. The three sisters have been likened to the three theological virtues: Mildburh to faith, Mildgyth to hope and Mildrith to charity.
Feast of St. Amaswinthus of Malaga
Feast of St. Amaswinthus of Malaga, Abbot of the Andalusian monastery of Silva de Malaga, Spain. Died in 982.
Feast of St. Prosper of Aquitaine
Feast of St. Prosper of Aquitaine, writer, disciple of St. Augustine of Hippo, aggressive propagandist for the Augustinian doctrine of grace who chose the writings that became the decrees of the 529 Council of Orange.
Feast of St. Chad of Mercia
Feast of St. Chad of Mercia, Anglo-Saxon churchman, abbot of several monasteries, Bishop of the Northumbrians and Mercians. Patron of Mercia and astronomers.Died 672.
Feast of St. Cianan
Feast of St. Cianan (Kenan), Bishop of Duleek, Ireland. A hostage given to King Leogair, studied at the monastery of St. Martin in Tours. He converted great numbers to Christianity in Connaught & Leinster & built the first stone cathedral at Danberg, (Duleek), Meath, Ireland.