Feast of St. Joseph

Feast of St. Joseph, the husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and legal father of Jesus Christ.  Patron of The Catholic Church, unborn children, fathers, workers, carpenters, Belgium, Croatia, realtors, against doubt and hesitation, and of a happy death.

Feast of St. Louise de Marillac

Feast of St. Louise de Marillac, co-founder, (with Saint Vincent de Paul), the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul.  Patron of disappointing children, loss of parents, people rejected by religious orders, sick people, social workers, Vincentian Service Corps and widows

Feast of St. Matilda

Feast of St. Matilda, wife, King Henry I of Germany (Henry the Fowler). Mother of three sons, Otho, Emperor, Henry, Duke of Bavaria, and St. Bruno, Archbishop of Cologne. She is buried in St. Servatius Church, Quedlinburg Abbey. Patron parents of large families.