Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola, Spanish knight, hermit, priest, theologian & founder, the Society of Jesus, 1st Superior General of the Jesuits in 1541. Wrote the Spiritual Exercises in 1548. Patron of spiritual retreats, soldiers, Society of Jesus, Diocese of Buenos Aires.
Monthly Archives: July 2024
Feast of St. Peter Chrysologus
Feast of St. Peter Chrysologus (“golden-worded”), Bishop of Ravenna, Confessor and Doctor of the Church, the “Doctor of Homilies”, famous for short, inspiring homilies. Contemporary portrait is found in the mosaics of the Church of San Giovanni Evangelista in Ravenna, Italy.
Feast of St. Olaf
Feast of St. Olaf (Olaf II Haraldsson), Norse pirate, King and Martyr. Rex Perpetuus Norvegiae who unified and converted Norway.Canonized at Nidaros one year after his death in the Battle of Stiklestad. Patron of carvers, difficult marriages, Kings, Faroe Islands and Norway.
Feast of St. Alphonsa
Feast of St. Alphonsa, sister of the Poor Clares, the first person of Indian origin to be canonized as a saint, born in Kudamaloor, Kottayam district, Kerala, India. Patron against illness.
Feast of St. Pantaleon
Feast of St. Pantaleon, one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, martyr of Nicomedia in Bithynia during the Diocletianic Persecution. Patron of physicians, midwives, livestock, lottery, lottery winners. Invoked against headaches, locusts, witchcraft, accidents and loneliness
Feast of St. Bartholomea Capitanjo
Feast of St. Bartholomea Capitanjo, Foundress, the Italian Sisters of Charity of Lovere with St. Vincenzia Gerosa. Patron of teachers, Sisters of Charity of Lovere and Lovere, Italy.
Feast of St. Cucuphas
Feast of St. Cucuphas (Cucufate, Cugat, Guinefort or Qaqophas). A Barcelonian merchant martyred during the Diocletianic Persecutions. Benedictine abbey of St. Cugat de Valles stands on the site of his martyrdom. Patron of hunchbacks and petty thieves.
Feast of St. Kinga of Poland
Feast of St. Kinga of Poland (Kunegunda), Hungarian Princess who married Bolesław V (“the Chaste”) and performed charitable works visiting the poor and helping lepers. Widowed, she became a Poor Clare nun in the monastery at Sandec. Patron of Poland and Lithuania.
Feast of St. Liborius of Le Mans
Feast of St. Liborius of Le Mans, Bishop. Second Bishop of Le Mans, died in the arms of his friend St. Martin of Tours.Patron of Paderborn, Germany (cathedral and archdiocese), invoked against calculi, colic, fever and gallstones.
Feast of St. Mary Magdalene
Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, witnessed Jesus’ crucifixion & resurrection, mentioned by name twelve times in the canonical gospels. Patron of Apothecaries, contemplative life, converts, glove makers, hairdressers, penitent sinners, pharmacists, sexual temptation, tanners, women.